Soulful Agendas ~ 25 Feb 2018

Starting in but days a week a series of planets, as seen from the Sun’s point of view (heliocentric), align with their own orbital elements as well as those of other planets with whom they maintain influential relationships.

Bear in mind the degrees noted below are seen heliocentrically and do not directly meet up with your traditional geocentric planets. However, if you construct your Sun-centered chart and your planets match these degrees, the effects are far more personal. Likely, it would feel - and appropriately so - that you are an ambassador for the aspect in play. Typically if linked to helio aspects, others query the planet-connecting party as if they have a hot line to the cosmic intentions behind current planetary trends - and often to the initial bewilderment of the planet-connected native.

Heliocentric influences run in more subtle realms that the real world results of geocentric transits. While helio aspects can produce events, more, they induce shifts in consciousness or stoke the fires that fuel the spirit and the proverbial fire in the belly. Helio stimulation feels like stuff churning just below the level of awareness. Inner stirring. A developing sense of intention and clearing pathways for decisive action.

The contacts noted below actually map out an interval of application - a useful template for a soulful agenda(s). Starting in early March and running for nearly eight months, the essence of the spirit formulates intentions, stirs soulful yearnings and kicks off the initiation of agendas that are more than good for what ails you - they fill the sails of the soul with hope, optimism and fervent passion to complete objectives that resonate with the purpose of incarnation.

Conveniently, on March 7, Mars awakens consciousness urges as he aligns with Pluto’s perihelion (closest point of a planet to the Sun in its orbital revolution - for Pluto 15 Scorpio 06). Take note of any creative spark that grabs your attention and won’t let you go. Observe those things that irritate and annoy you, taking you beyond a point of exasperation and forcing your determination to define any feeling, nagging stirring, or yearning to create.

The feelings likely range well outside comfortable margins. Passion rises such that taking on the impossible feels like a magnificent idea. As life coaches and cheerleaders are quick to report, if you shoot for the stars and don’t quite get there, you might land on the Moon... so go for it. Pluto is not interested in the Moon, he and Mars are intending that the initiator venture beyond the beyond and into the mysteries of the unknown that resides in the vastness of the Universe and create something worthwhile that means a lot back here on terra firma.

Conveniently, on March 16, Mars conjoins his own south node of Mars (19 Scorpio 42). He summons the courage to take the first step on the journey at hand. When it comes to matters of activating creativity and talent that feeds inner well-being, the aspirations of the soul or the purpose of the incarnation, no one can permit apprehension, fear, or hesitation to interfere. Stand on that high-dive platform, visual how the dive needs to be executed, feel it in every fiber of the being, take a breath. Dive.

On March 25, Jupiter in Scorpio meets up with the perihelion of Pluto. Following Mars pushing the launch button, Jupiter asks if there was a programmed destination in the consciousness computer now monitoring the launch. Should there be no clear “end game” Jupiter refreshes the idea that when it comes to soul-stirring agendas, go back to the original intention. Line up with it. Feel it. Believe in it. Know it is happening though results may not be evident in the moment.

Jupiter transits Mars’ south node on 27 May. At this point, it becomes important that whatever is behind any major campaign is impeccably clear in consciousness. It will require articulation. It will require presentation. It will require explanation. It may require justification. Be ready.

It is important to maintain pacing through the above intervals. On April 17 Saturn conjoins his own aphelion - the most-distant point from the Sun in his orbit which resides at 3 Cancer 32. At aphelion a planet moves the slowest and receives solar stimulation through the greatest distance, making the energetic rise from the sun the weakest. Note that on April 17th, once past aphelion, Saturn slowly picks up speed. Also note that prior to mid-April as Saturn slows, the tendency to take the foot off the gas, perhaps even fishing for the brake might feel like a thing to do if life response is not adequately verifying soulful intention with defined life results.

Regardless, persist and adjust all throttles to flow within the dynamic tension of the time. Saturn meets up with Pluto heliocentrically on 10 January 2020. What is started now and in the coming months needs to be a “going concern” by then.

Pluto weighs in on the matter as the end of this year approaches. On October 26 Pluto engages with his own south node at 20 Cancer 3. Pluto at this marker insists that a review of the south nodal forces be thorough, insightful and then totally locked into daily operations. Evaluate the past. Keep only what works. Eliminate what doesn’t work. If fact, burn it and bury it, symbolically speaking. When aspiring to great things, those things that need to be let go need not be excavated nor resurrected. Reset all agendas and intentions to the maximum clarity, evolved consciousness setting. Engage as if there is no tomorrow.

The helio planets remind us that everything that is done in fact impacts this planet. This planet affects other planets. Planets affect the solar system. Solar systems impact solar systems. Solar systems resonate within galaxies and so on. The point, according to Pluto, every soulful agenda will have reach and breadth beyond what can be seen. To hold that belief, faith in universal forces must be strong. But even more fundamentally, beginning on March 7th, trust that all soulful steps taken based upon a clear consciousness will germinate, grow and constructively sustain others, other places and more, whether you get to see the results or not.

Says Mars tripping to the perihelion of Pluto and starting this matrix of manifestation, “Let’s see, where did I set down that last soulful intention?”

More soon...